U.S. Hemp Farmers Radio Network

NEWS, Education, Interviews and much more....

"U.S. Hemp Farmers Almanac" Podcast Program
Listener Questions and Comments Submittal Page

If you have questions, suggestions or comments, please fill in the email form below. It's secure, going only to our secure email box, on our servers.

Subject: Please state your subject question first, followed by state or region.

Example: Mechanical Harvesting in Fresno, Calif.,

Subject: Drying for stalk/fiber crop in Texas.

Subject: Legalities of growing Hemp, in Georgia.


If you fill-in the form as suggested, we can then route your question to a subject matter expert.

When we get you an answer, we will email you back. Or, we wil read and answer it on the program.

Got guest suggestions? Feel free to use this form for that as well.

Thank you for your input; your questions, suggestions and or comments.

This program is for you, the Hemp farmers in the U.S.A. We want you to WIN! Your voice now has a place to be HEARD!
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The Team