U.S. Hemp Farmers Radio Network

NEWS, Education, Interviews and much more....

Inaugural Programming:
U.S. Hemp Farmers Almanac"
A Weekly Program
© 2020-2021 USHFRN

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The New Voice for Hemp Farmers In America!

This is a no BS podcast, by real folks involved in farming, processing, new AG tech, seed breeders, legislation,
Interviews and much more…entertaining and informative. Q&A for Farmers, Breeders, Processors, and others.

This program is for you, the Hemp farmers in the U.S.A.
We want you to WIN! Your voice now has a place to be HEARD!

Your Home for Getting Professional Level Quality Information.
The Best Practices, The Best Products, and The Best Services.

The launch date is November, 2020.

Podcasting Studio provided by the California Hemp Foundation.
"Researching The Possibilities"
Produced in our Los Angeles, CA studio.

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